Showing posts with label Group. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Group. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


It is normal practice for many students to participate in either group studies or study groups in order to better prepare for class discussion, examinations, or presentations in class. You can also do it to review your weak parts and discover new concepts. Both of these benefits come from doing it. For me, taking part in a study group is necessary at some point if I want to learn new things well. 

My oldest daughter hosted a group study session in our home for her and her chosen girl's classmates just now. As I watch them learn, I can't help but think back to my own school days. My own experiences have shown that participating in a study group encourages the majority of my fellow students to be supportive in terms of my efforts to study and keep my readings current. It not only helps me acquire new ideas but also critical points that I may have overlooked in my previous reading. The majority of people in my study group aren't shy about passing on the information that they've learned. As a result, these serve as a reminder to me that I ought to bring my readings up to speed so that I can also contribute something.

On the other hand, being a part of a study group that requires you to compel yourself to attend after the class or during your rest days is one of the disadvantages of participating in such a group. The level of commitment displayed by each individual participant is an essential component of the study group. As a result, you and the other members of your group will need to forego participating in any other activities in order to study together.

And one more thing: if you and your other students are simply having a good time and forgetting about the material being studied during the study group, then that is another problem. It is the parents' responsibility to ensure that their children are studying in groups and are not having fun, giggling, or gossiping while doing their homework. A constant presence of parental guidance is required.

It is entirely up to you whether or not you want to sign up for a study group; there are some people who perform better academically when they work on their own. If you think that joining or making a group will help you learn more, then go ahead and take advantage of this fun way to learn. 

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